Why Choose Grace Counseling?
You have lots of choices out there for a counselor. Why choose me?
First on the list would be the level of experience. I have been a working therapist for close to 27 years. During this time, I have logged in thousands of clinical hours. There are very few situations that I have not worked with. I’m not often surprised.
Second on the list would be approach. My graduate work was in Marital and family systems. Simply, this is an approach that looks at the big picture. We all come from somewhere. We are all connected and influenced by family and other people in our lives. This approach takes in all the various influences on a person. As a therapist it is important for me to know you. You’re letting me into your life. As a therapist I have to understand and respect your journey.
Finally, this approach qualifies me to work with individuals, married couples and families. Everyone is connected. None of us live in isolation. Even individual counseling takes in life and family history. As I often put it, life is like a dance. Some of the steps we learn are great, and some of them not so great. Good counseling helps a person dance better!